Why yes, I AM passionate about this!

Oct 11, 2024

A new email subscriber just asked me a great question:

"May I ask why you have “she/her” after your name?" 

I'm so happy that these small ways of showing my values have opened up a dialogue! 

Even though I'm cisgender and my name is traditionally a woman's name, I’m honoring my core value of inclusivity by sharing my gender identity. I’m acknowledging that we can’t assume someone’s gender by their appearance or name.

It’s a simple way to show you that I see and accept you in your uniqueness. 

How do you show your values to the world?

Yes, we all just want to be loved, and you don’t have to share your pronouns. But I love that they noticed that I share mine, and it started a conversation. 


I remember when my son Ocean was young and wore his hair long. People would misgender him a lot. It would have helped if they had asked, or just stopped to listen before assuming. 

Yeah, I could have forced him to get a haircut and 'solved the problem', but the problem was the gender assumption, not him. He hated haircuts for sensory reasons, and I had enough on my parenting plate already. It was really interesting to see how nice adults were to him when they thought he was a girl. 

My mission is to create a more inclusive world for Ocean and his generation, so I push against systems of oppression wherever I can. 

At Healthy Happy Yoga, we believe that social justice, equity, and trauma-informed practices are intrinsic to yoga. 

We're anti-ableist, body-positive, anti-racist, and LGBTQIA affirming. I embrace these values by modeling inclusive language, inviting empowered movement choices, offering free and paid options, and honoring yoga's roots.  

If you breathe, you belong here.

The heart of everything we do here is nervous system regulation.

You’ll hone the ability to tune into yourself, exactly as you are, without judgment, and truly befriend yourself. It’s not self-care as much as it is training for compassionate resistance. The systems of oppression are trying so hard to keep us dysregulated. Meanwhile, we're led to believe it’s something we’re doing wrong personally. 

Here's a question:

Would you treat a stranger the way you treat yourself?  How long have you been putting yourself last... and are you tired of it yet?? 

It’s always the most caring people who put themselves last.

I want to change that, because we're the ones who will create a more empathetic, inclusive world. 


The Compassion Club is founded on my core values: empathy, integrity, equity, and respect. Our community of highly sensitive people warmly accept each other and practice gentle, trauma-informed yoga and meditation together. 

As members of The Compassion Club, we agree to these Community Guidelines: 

We will never have completely safe space, so we can endeavor to create a BRAVE space to show up imperfectly and grow. 

  • Self-Empathy: Identify your own feelings and needs. 
  • What’s said here, stays here. This includes each others' stories. 
  • This is a judgment-free zone. That includes self-judgment. 
  • Check in with your body and breath, especially when triggered. 
  • Be a supportive presence when someone is speaking, without advising or commenting. Awkwardness happens on Zoom, so let's normalize that! 
  • Communicate with me in whatever way you’re comfortable. 
  • You don’t have to fix anything or anyone here. 
  • Participate to benefit. 

Kate's Integrity Vows: 

  • I will be present and respectful. 
  • I will encourage your self-empowerment by getting out of your way.
  • I will stay within my scope of practice.


If you want to join our community it would be an honor to have you. I'd like to help you make an informed decision without risking much. 

Try a month in the membership and see if it's the community you've been seeking.

If not, no worries. 

Use this link to enjoy your first month in The Compassion Club for only $9. You get a month to see for yourself that it's worth every penny of the $85 per month. 

I'd LIKE you to book a quick chat HERE first, but you don't have to. 


The Compassion Club is the ONLY live online yoga membership for HSP who want personalized support, encouragement, and connection. 

It's a soft landing where you can breathe, move, and heal in community. 

This is NOT your average yoga membership.

  • An actual human yoga teacher (me) cares about you and listens to you.

  • The live sessions are a unique, customized experience honoring each member's needs. 

  • We get to know each other and support each other inside our truly judgment-free community.


 "I felt drawn to this group immediately. As you know it can be difficult to find one that has true yogic principles vs. fitness goals that is accepting, inclusive and supportive all at the same time."

-Denise R.

Decide if The Compassion Club is the community you've been seeking:

Book your 20 minute consultation to get your questions answered here.


Stop Walking On Eggshells!

Gentle yoga to release your stress and shift your mindset about struggle.

If you get your buttons pushed often by other people's issues, you may be hypervigilant. You might feel it in your body as clenching, tension, or chronic pain.

You'll become more grounded in awareness of your body.

Stop Walking On Eggshells